Scholarship Advice at the SI-UK University Fair London
Scholarship Advice at the SI-UK University Fair London

UK University Fair Scholarship Support

Learn more about different types of funding available to international students.

Scholarships for International Students

Scholarship advice at the SI-UK University Fair London

SI-UK can help international students interested in studying in the UK secure scholarships, grants and bursaries. Our close relationship with UK universities and our online resources means all deserving applicants can find the right scholarship to benefit their future.

What types of funding are available in the UK?

There are many different types of scholarships that international students can apply for in the UK, including:

  • Full scholarships that cover tuition fees and living costs
  • Part scholarships cover a variety or a small section of expenses, such as living costs or whole or part of your tuition fees
  • Country-based scholarships which are only open to students of a particular region or country
  • Course scholarships that are only open to students on a particular course
  • Government scholarships that are funded by the Government and run through companies such as Chevening or the Commonwealth Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries

What is the difference between a scholarship, grant and bursary?

  • Scholarship: A payment made to support a student's education, awarded based on academic ability
  • Grant: A payment made to support a student's education, awarded based on ability, circumstance or financial need
  • Bursary: A payment made to support a student's education, awarded based on financial need

SI-UK University Fair Registration

Universities at the Fair want you to study in the UK, and many will do whatever they can to help you achieve that, including making you aware of the different types of financial aid which are available to apply for.

Register for free entry to the SI-UK University Fair on Saturday October 19th today to meet over 50 UK universities, as well as speak to our international application experts about scholarships and funding in the UK.

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